Friday, October 24, 2014


October 2014

First Grade
First graders finished their Keith Haring figure project. Using sharpies, students added in lines to show movement!
 First graders also created overlapping pumpkin paintings using tempera cakes. Using their knowledge of color-mixing, students created different hues of orange for their pumpkins.

Second Grade
Second graders completed their warm/cool parrots. Students chose either warm or cool colors and painted their parrots using watercolor paint.

Second graders also learned about architecture, specifically Victorian architecture. Students were inspired by the elements of Victorian architecture, and created their own Victorian style haunted houses.

Third Grade
Third graders completed their Grant Wood inspired landscapes using oil pastel. Each student created a piece with a distinct foreground, middle ground, and background.
Third graders are currently working on a project inspired by the work of Marc Chagall. Chagall used his memories and dreams to create pieces of art that tell a story. Students are creating works that tell a story about themselves.

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders completed their Paul Cezanne inspired still life pastel drawings!
Fourth graders have been working on clay pinch pot pumpkins. The pumpkins have all been fired in the kiln, and are ready to be glazed next week!

Fourth grade has also started a painting project. Students will be painting a "keyhole painting" inspired by the setting that they are writing about in their classrooms. Students learned about mixing tints and shades to create a wooden texture for their keyhole paintings.

5th Grade
Fifth graders finished their printmaking unit, and students created some awesome prints!

Students have also started skeleton charcoal drawings. In these drawings, students are working on using white and compressed charcoal to create value in their work, and to show shadows and highlights.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 2014

The Penn Wood Art room is continuing to create beautiful works of art this year, and the artists are busy! To start the year, each grade completed a unit on color theory, with a focus on the color wheel.
First GradeFirst graders are studying Keith Haring and line. We are beginning to learn about drawing the human figure. Students are creating Keith Haring inspired figures using simple lines to show movement!
Keith Haring's Work

First graders sketched their figures on construction paper and then arranged them on white paper.
Second Grade
Second graders are continuing to study the color wheel, especially warm and cool colors. Students are painting their own "warm" or "cool" parrots using watercolors.

Third Grade
Third graders are studying Grant Wood, an American artist who is also known for his landscapes. Using oil pastels, students are designing their own Fall landscape with a distinct foreground, middle ground, and background.  
Grant Wood's Work

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders are studying Paul Cezanne and his still lives. Students used fall items, and worked with classmates at their tables to create a Fall still life. Students are using oil pastels to draw from observation, and to create a realistic rendition of their still life with shadows and highlights.


Fifth Grade 
Fifth graders started a unit on printmaking. Students studied the work of Albrecht Dürer, who was a famous German print maker. First students sketched a Fall landscape. Then students engraved their sketch onto a Styrofoam plate using a pencil. Next week students will print their plates using ink! 
5th Grade printing (Styrofoam) plates

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome back!

Welcome back artists! This year will be filled with creativity and exploration in the Art Room!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


First Grade
First graders learned about Impressionism and looked at Claude Monet's work. Students were inspired by Monet's Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge, and created their own impressionist bridges. 
"Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge"

First graders also learned about Abstract art. We looked at work by Wassily Kandinsky, especially his "Concentric Circles". Students created their own Kandinsky inspired abstract trees. 

And the clay monsters were finally fired. Students used acrylic paint to add color to their awesome clay monsters. 

Second Grade 
The cups were melted from the Chihuly project and second graders assembled their sculptures. Each class designed and built a melted cup sculpture, and all the sculptures were combined to create a collaborative Chihuly inspired sculpture. 

Chihuly's Sculpture

2nd Grade's Sculpture

3rd Grade
Third graders glazed their Claes Oldenburg clay food pieces. They will soon be fired and ready to display! Third graders learned about stained glass and silhouettes this week. Each student chose an Olympic athlete's silhouette. Using a light box, students each created their own silhouette. Then students created a stained glass background for their silhouette using either warm or cool colors. 

Third graders are also enjoying working in their sketchbooks. Each class begins with a "warm up" and students draw in their sketchbooks.

4th Grade 
Fourth graders completed their Russian Architecture drawings. After completing their drawings, students cut out and attached them to their watercolor skys.

Fourth graders also learned about Indigenous Australian Dot Paintings and created their own. 

Fifth Grade
Fifth graders learned how to draw in one-point perspective. This means that all lines meet at one vanishing point on a horizon line. Students designed their one-point perspective cities.

Fifth graders also learned about Op Art and value. Students learned how to use shading and different values in their work to create dimension and add depth. 

Students created their own Op Art or optical illusions using rulers and sharpie markers. Then students added value to their optical illusions by shading with colored pencils.