Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fifth Grade Optical Illusions

Fifth graders have started our optical illusion unit, always a favorite! We learned about op. artists such as Bridget Reilly and Jen Stark. After practicing shading and creating value with colored pencils, students started sketching their optical illusions. This week we added sharpie, and next week we will continue to add value with colored pencils.

Third Grade Contour Shoes

Third graders studied work by Andy Warhol, and talked about contour lines. We learned that contour lines are used to show mass or form in our artwork, rather than detail. We sketched our shoes and then outlined them in sharpie. Next week we will be painting!

3rd Grade Contour Shoe Drawings

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Color, color everywhere!

This week every grade studied the color wheel! For many of us, it was a refresher. We recalled that the color wheel is a guide that shows relationships between colors. If we understand these relationships, we can better "read" the color wheel and understand color-mixing! 

First grade artists continued to work on learning the rules and routines of the art room. Students created their own color wheel and starting thinking about primary and secondary colors. Second graders drew a snail, and discussed patterns in the relationship to the color wheel. 

In the third grade, we learned about collages. Students used magazines to collage a color wheel made of various textures! Fourth graders designed their own color wheel pizzas, and incorporated measurement and fractions too. Fifth graders learned about creating a theme in their work. Each student created a color wheel using a unique theme. Our ideas ranged from fruit and vegetable color wheels, to sports themed color wheels. We are all now color experts! 

Third Grade Color Wheel Collages

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Welcome back artists!

Welcome back artists! I hope that you all had an amazing summer, and I cannot wait to start creating in the Art Room this year!
- Ms. Seagraves